Sunday, July 6, 2014

Our Writing Group Discussion

Sitting here on a humid and lazy Sunday afternoon,
Reflecting on my new writing group,
Had a casual meeting on Friday over lunch,
At the Prospector.

Four persons,
Who did not know one another before one week ago,
Now four writers,
Sharing ideas at lunch as if this is the food we came for.

Low-key discussions,
but comfortable and enlightening,
Like an onion being peeled,
One layer of ourselves being exposed but no tears.

Slowly, slowly, our group melds,
As laughter and feedback bounce among,
Written words and even significant life photos,
Exchanging among the members of our infant group.

Anticipating eagerness, 
Awaitng Monday morning to dawn,
Wanting to absorb more from them,
As We Write Into the Day.


  1. I know that I posted on this in google +, but I feel as if I connected with this so much. It seems as if this group of writers shares something unique and special. We all came together from all walks of life and different teaching situations to learn and grow as educators of writing. I really enjoyed the simile about the onion. I think this is a really great way to describe how I have been feeling the past week. Thank you for sharing.

  2. Yes, I completely agree. I love the community that builds around a group of writers when we decide, consciously, to build a safe, respectful community in which we can share our work. Dorene, I love the line about sharing ideas "as if this is the food we came for". So good! And so true. That is the food I came to SI for :)
